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Bank Transfers
Would you like to become a monthly donor to the Cumberland Community Forest Society and avoid any fees going to 3rd party platforms insead of the CCFS?
The best way to make sure 100% of your donation goes to the CCFS is to donate directly from your bank account through setting up an auto payment or providing us with a void cheque.
Old school!
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The Cumberland Community Forest Society is a charitable organization.
Charitable tax number: 88895 0219 RR0001
Other ways to donate
Talk to us about how we can work with you to develop the online donor tools and communications for gift funds for weddings and celebrations or memorial funds for friends or family.
Message us at to discuss further.
Our donors make this important land protection work possible! Help us save the Cumberland Forest
Monthly Donors are the backbone of our organization and provide the foundation for us to leverage incredible grants, funding and donor opportunities.
Community Partners contribute cash, goods or services in support of our conservation efforts up to $10,000.
Legacy Donors contribute $10,000 + to our land protection, restoration and biodiversity work.
Meet our incredible donor community here >>>
Guardian Donors contribute $50,000 + to our land protection efforts and are recognized in perpetuity on signage. These donors include individuals, businesses, foundations and community organizations who have made a significant one-time contributions or who sustain us over time as major monthly donors.
Special Funds are developed between the donor and the CCFS in celebration of special events, pledges, marriages and loved ones who have passed. We create unique web content and links for donors to share with their networks. Message us today to set up a Special Fund.