Volunteers are the heart and soul of the CCFS. Each of our upcoming events have a variety of volunteer roles ranging from slinging beers and working the BBQ, to setting up tents, hanging lights, box office and raffles, canteens and kids crafts. Sign up as a CCFS volunteer TODAY or message our Program and Volunteer Coordinator Heather at heather@cumberlandforest.com to plug in for one of these upcoming events!
September 8th Dodge City X – Bar Crew
September 14th Foggy Mountain Fall Fair – Set up and tear down, Info Tent, Kids crafts, Bar crew
September 20/21 Mind Over Mountain Adventure Race (MOMAR) – Bar crew
September 27th Pulse on the Plaza (Downtown Courtenay) – Bar crew
October 3rd-5th 5th Annual Cumberland Fungus Fest – Festival site crew, box office, bar, feast crew, kids activities, lights and tech
October 19/20 Forest in the Village Community Planting Day
October 27th Perseverance Trail Run – Bar and BBQ crew
November 8th Fall Forest Trivia – set up, tear down, canteen and bar
November 16/17 Cumberland WinterFaire – CCFS tent, info, merch sales
December 21st Villagers Solstice – event crew, creative engagement