farazIt is with sadness and gratitude that we post this page in memory of Faraz Khodabandeh.

Faraz was a young  treeplanter and a “mercenary with a shovel” who truly “traversed the untraversable” who left us suddenly and tragically on Nov 10 2013.

After discussing with his friends, his family has decided to ask supporters to submit donations to the Cumberland Community Forest Society in memorial.

A memorial page of his life is available by clicking here.

Faraz was a great lover of nature and had spent a great part of his short life in silviculture planting over 1M trees in 7 years.

These donations are being tracked and Faraz will be named as a legacy donor to this project in perpetuity.

Click here to make a donation

If charitable giving is part of your financial strategy this year, we would be honoured to be considered.