Registration for the 2023 Forest in the Village Project is now OPEN!

The registration link is HERE

The Forest in the Village is a Cumberland Community Forest Society (CCFS) led community activation pilot project to a) build community understanding in the value of the urban forest canopy for biodiversity and climate resilience, to b) support the Village of Cumberland in achieving targets set out in the Village of Cumberland’s Urban Forest Management Plan (UFMP) and to c) engage the community directly in actions that enhance the urban forest within the Village.

Our goal, a reflection of the UFMP, is to increase canopy cover in urban areas from 20% to 30% by 2040. We aim to kick start this project in 2023 by planting 125 trees in the Village to commemorate the 125th anniversary of Cumberland’s incorporation – a legacy project of stewardship and climate resilience by and for our community. 50% of tree costs will be subsidized by FITV project funding – prices listed below indicate total cost to participant.

“ There can be no purpose more inspiring than to begin the age of restoration, reweaving the wondrous diversity of life that still surrounds us.” ~ E.O. Wilson

How can you engage?

There are three ways to Register to Participate in the 2023 Forest in the Village Project.

OPTION A.  Purchase your own tree from a local nursery OR grow your own tree from seed (self-funded).

OPTION B.  Purchase one of five carefully selected subsidized trees for your yard (50% paid by the CCFS). Find all the details about the FITV 2023 Species Descriptions

Note: availability depends on species; trees will be available on a first come first basis; these trees will be available for pick up on Sunday Oct 15th

OPTION C.  Don’t have a place to plant a tree? Renting or living in an apartment or low footprint townhouses? Not a problem. Contribute to a CCFS / Village of Cumberland planting as part of a restoration or urban forest enhancement project on public land. ($25)


Community Wide Planting Day: Is scheduled for October 15th. All tree orders will be available for pick up on Sunday October 15th

Thank you to: The Comox Valley Community Foundation, First Credit Union, the Village of Cumberland and the Cumberland Community Forest Society

If charitable giving is part of your financial strategy this year, we would be honoured to be considered.