Our Guardians are contributors of $50,000 or more towards the purchase of beautiful forest lands surrounding the Village of Cumberland.

The Cumby
THE CUMBY is celebrating its EIGHTH year in 2023 as a fundraising event in support of the Cumberland Community Forest Society’s efforts to purchase and preserve large tracts of beautiful

Village of Cumberland
The Village of Cumberland is the recipient and long term steward of the lands purchased and protected by the CCFS. These covenant protected lands are managed as the Cumberland Forest

Forest Fairies
You know who you are. You have chosen to contribute anonymously, and significantly, to the work of the Cumberland Community Forest Society and for that we are eternally grateful. You

Sitka Foundation
This Sitka Foundation has simple and pure mission: to be a catalyst in the protection of the environment and promotion of biodiversity. We support land and ocean conservation, scientific research

Martha Johanson
Cumberland resident, neighbour, friend, potter and teacher Martha Johanson passed away peacefully, surrounded by loved ones, on Monday June 28, 2021. Those who knew Martha will remember her tenacity, openness, and willingness to share her love of

Habitat Conservation Trust Foundation
In 2020 the HCTF provided $100,000 toward Project Perseverance, our most recent a 2.5 million dollar 90.6 hectare land and creek protection project that was completed in September of 2020.

Dorothea Walker
The Cumberland Community Forest Society is honoured to be recipient of a generous gift from the late Dorothea Walker. Dorothea grew up in Southern Ontario and lived in Cumberland for

Fish & Wildlife Compensation Program
The Fish and Wildlife Compensation Program is a partnership between BC Hydro, the Province of B.C., Fisheries and Oceans Canada, First Nations and Public Stakeholders to conserve and enhance fish and wildlife impacted by existing BC Hydro dams. They provided a grant of $220,000 for research land acquisition along Perseverance Creek.

The Li-Grimmer Family
Tom Grimmer, Hui Li and their children Conrad, Zola and Bronte – have spent summer and winter holidays on Vancouver Island for over two decades. They fell in love with the

Perseverance Trail Run
For over a decade the Perseverance Trail Run has contributed 100% of proceeds from their trail running event to the CCFS and from 2014 they have been a powerful fundraising partner working with us and our “Forest Fairy” donor to raise over $500,000 from the community through the Run, Private Donations, Raffles, After Parties, Halloween Events, Online Auctions and more!

Harmonic Arts
Harmonic Arts is a long time friend and supporter of the Cumberland Community Forest Society with 1% of proceeds from their sales being directly contributed to the CCFS! They have

Rob H Daniel
Rob H. Daniel, father of Cumberland resident Adrienne Daniel, passed away suddenly in April of 2018. As an avid runner, on pavement and trail, Rob loved to race. In his

Sutmoller-Snijders Family
Hank and Corrie Snijders were impressed by Canada’s natural beauty when visiting their offspring in Alberta and on Hornby Island. Their daughter, Sonja Sutmoller, directed her children to donate from her estate to an environmental cause in their memory, allowing the CCFS to eliminate the outstanding debt for the first purchase.

Mountain Equipment Co-op
The CCFS was fortunate to receive a $100,000 grant to support the 2005 acquisition of the 72 hectare parcel immediately south of the Village of Cumberland. This support kickstarted and inspired our ongoing efforts. Then in 2016 they did it again to help close the deal on “Space Nugget” a 40 hr parcel directly adjacent to the existing Cumberland Forest.

The Conradi Family
The Conradi family were founding supporters of the CCFS, taking a leap of faith and making significant donations toward the 2005 purchase. They continue today as one of our most generous monthly donors to support upcoming acquisitions. They are truly Guardians of our Forest.

Comox Valley Land Trust
The Comox Valley Land Trust (CVLT) is a community-based, not-for-profit organization that works to protect and conserve the ecologically significant land and wildlife habitat of the Comox Valley region. The

Environment and Climate Change Canada
In the spring of 2022 the CCFS was fortunate to receive support from Environment and Climate Change Canada toward the 44 acre Lower perseverance Creek acquisition. Environment and Climate Change

Comox Valley Regional District
The Comox Valley Regional District was an integral partner in the successful completion of the Perseverance Creek acquisition in September 2020 and again for the Lower Perseverance Creek securement process

Cumberland Brewing Company
The Cumberland Brewing Company are an incredible partner of the Cumberland Forest Project, with unparalleled generosity toward our collective effort! To date they have provided over $50,000 in direct and in kind support toward forest protection Drink Beer. Buy a Forest.

Coast Sustainability Trust
The Coast Sustainability Trust provided support back in 2005 to help mitigate the negative effects of BC government land use decisions related to the Land and Resources Management Plan process, and the implementation of Ecosystem Based Management on workers, contractors, First Nations and communities.

Dr. Mary Lynn Desroches
Dr. Mary Lynn Desroches was instrumental in the original success of the CCFS and laid a foundation of trust and integrity that the society benefits from today. She was volunteer
Legacy Donors
Our Legacy Donors contribute $10,000 or more towards the purchase of the Cumberland Forest.

Real Estate Foundation of BC
We are grateful for the funding support from the Real Estate Foundation of BC for our efforts with the Perseverance Watershed Initiative and to identify high priority lands in the

Roger Albert and Carolyn Kirk Albert
Roger Albert and Carolyn Kirk-Albert are long time supporters of CCFS. They were our Trivia Masters for years, and have contributed thousands of dollars and hours in support of our

Eatmore Sprouts
Our mission is to provide fresh, locally grown, organic sprouts, year-round in the Comox Valley and beyond for a happier, healthier planet. Eatmore Sprouts is a family run business, and

100 + Women Who Care Comox Valley
The Cumberland Community Forest Society was thrilled be selected as the third recipient of 2022 to receive a generous donation from the 100 Plus Women Who Care, Comox Valley Chapter.

Brock & Hilary Johnston
Brock & Hilary Johnston are valued members of the CCFS community, who have contributed thousands of dollars in support of our work.

Faraz Khodabandeh Memorial Fund
Faraz Khodabandeh – Family and friends of Faraz Khodabendeh created a legacy fund after the sudden and tragic death of this young treeplanter. Faraz was a great lover of nature and

Rotary Club of Cumberland Centennial
The Rotary Club of Cumberland Centennial is where neighbors, friends, and problem-solvers share ideas, join leaders, and take action to create lasting change. The Club tackle local issues, explores new

First Credit Union
First Credit Union is an incredible partner and sponsor of the CCFS. They are ongoing campaign sponsors and have been the lead sponsor for the annual Cumberland Home and Garden

Robert Foord
Rob Foord – The CCFS is humbled and grateful for the generous support from our individual donors and extends a huge thanks to Robert Foord for his generous contribution of

Fox & Bee Studio
Fox & Bee is a talented powerhouse of videography, story telling, writing and photography. Based in the Village of Cumberland, owners Kim and Shawn have produced countless videos for this

Heather Mathers
Heather Mathers, lead organizer for the Perseverance Streamkeepers, has been a long time guardian of the forest, streams and wetlands. Over the years Heather has contributed thousands of dollars and hours

Courtenay and District Fish and Game Protective Association
The Courtenay & District Fish & Game Protective Association is dedicated to the preservation of wildlife and their habitats and in 2018 they provided the CCFS with a $25,000 grant

Plant Sale Committee
The CCFS Plant Sale Committee is made up of a remarkable group of Villagers who give generously of their time and talents to coordinate the CCFS Plant Sales throughout the

Brian Scott Fine Arts
Brian Scott Fine Arts Canadian artist Brian Scott is an original oil painter, whose name is inextricably linked to colour. His use of wild and wonderful mixes of fanciful, fun,

Hakai Energy Solutions
Jason and Lisa Jackson of Hakai Energy Solutions have been strong supporters of the CCFS since their arrival in the Village and we are grateful for their longstanding friendship, and
Community Partners
Our Community Partners are generous business and community partner contributors who give $1000 to $10,000 to protect the Cumberland Forest.